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Sunday, September 18, 2022


My garden is still thriving....and as you already know....all the textures in this particular view make me so happy. You've seen it a time or two....almost always with a view of my toes. 


Lynn, Massachusetts has a reputation of being a little rough around the edges.  But when we visited yesterday, I found it to be colorful, diverse, and full of charm and possibilities. 

There were big bright murals everywhere....many of them honoring their shoe manufacturing history. 

This particular one was massive on the side of a multi story building.  The detail was so life-like.

As a matter of fact....Sam has a view of a mural right out his window over his desk.

And this colorful sculpture is right down the street.

This is the side view of City Hall.

But this mural....which included 528 portraits...moved me the most and
brightened up the view down a dingy walkway to the MBTA station.

Each portrait was done by a young artist between the ages of 7 and 18 to honor and thank the faces of Lynn who make the city thrive. I wanted to study each one....but there just wasn't enough time.  See the description below.

I was so impressed with the "RAW" made my heart sing.

"Even when if feels like there is nothing there is raw."