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Saturday, October 22, 2022

Magic In The Woods

My art buddy Elisa is on vacation with her parents....and I have permission from one of her moms to share this photo.  How can look at this and not smile!

I'm calling it Jumping for Joy

I saw an image years ago that sparked an idea that's been rolling around in my head.....and I finally got it out of my head and into the woods. It's maybe the most fun I've had with a DIY nature project in a long time.

The colder nights and near freezing temperatures have finally made the bittersweet pop.  Bittersweet is a funny vine....quite invasive not very desirable growing in your own yard. But I find it fascinating and beautiful. The berries are kind of a last resort for birds....they don't all love it...but when they're desperate deep into the winter....they peck away at it.

The berries go from green to yellowish orange....then pop open to reveal the shiny red pods in the fall. I have a couple of wild and wildernessy kinds of places I have access to it now....and I enjoy using it in my fall decorating.  Last year I wrapped it around the base of my birdbath.

So here's what I've been thinking about for years....
and finally created. I couldn't love it more. 

Paul and I are still enjoying happy hour on the patio...sometimes with our blankets....and we have a nice view from the chairs. I can see it from the couch....and my puzzle table....and I love the way it looks in different light.

You can barely see it in this photo....but it's crystal clear in person. 

I found it really hard to photograph.....the photos don't do it justice.

You can see some yellow berries on this branch....but most of them have popped open. By the time it pops open...most of the leaves have fallen off leaving only the vine.

I started with a little grapevine base tied loosely around the tree....and I've been tucking the in bittersweet for a week or so now.  This is a photo in the early stages....and these yellow berries have all popped open. I wondered if they would.  

I just read that you can make wreaths out of the vines whey the berries are still yellow and less fragile.  They will pop open when it gets cold at night and I'll certainly try that next year.

 Did I mention how much I love it? It feels like a bit of magic in the woods.....and I'm going to enjoy it all winter. 

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