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Sunday, October 23, 2022

Color and Texture

I checked out the Makers Market at Thompson's Point in Portland today.....I've never been to this event before....or this venue.  It was pretty incredible space.....full of color and texture today.  

I go to these things mostly for inspiration....I really don't need a thing.  But I was quite taken with this maker....she stole my heart.  

I came home with a beautiful woven basket that will be a nice pop of color and texture in the condo....I just need to figure out where its new home will be. 
And my other little treasure is teeny tiny.....and barely visible in this photo of my window sill.  But first....speaking of window sill.....I'm really enjoying the view from my kitchen window.  The maple in the side yard has finally's such a great pop of color.

Isn't it adorable....and it actually holds a teeny tiny bit of water.    

On my way home I stopped at Winslow Farm to pick up some Sunday is the last day their farm stand is open for the season.  

And the BEST stem ever was on a pumpkin right outside their door.  I resisted the urge to buy it....I really don't need another pumpkin....but I really loved it.

You know I want to say it....but I'm showing some restraint.

And I laughed out loud when I saw this display at the counter.
Now I really need to say it: 
it IS all about the stem.

This assortment of gourds caught my eye.  They weren't for sale....but drying for  their greenhouse.....and some of them will be made into birdhouses.

The variation of shapes and shades of green were incredible.

And this dark one in the middle....also had a pretty good stem!  I had a great day full of colors and textures.....and I enjoyed every minute.

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