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Monday, October 24, 2022

Not Bad

If you overlook the fact that the placement and design are a little's not bad for a 10 minute effort on November's calendar page for Nancy. I always have good intentions to really think it through....but most of the time I've waited until the last minute so have to quickly make something work to get it in the mail in time.  But maybe not bad good things can be simple and happen in just 10 minutes with the scraps that are right on your work table.

The handwritten heart theme continues... and this simple November page is on it's way to Minneapolis in time for November 1st. It was pure chance that the word "Ghost" made the cut from Angie's handwriting.  Seems fitting for the end of October. 

Speaking of not bad....this was a little 4x4 experiment of translating something other than a Funky Face to stitch.  I was quite taken with Linda's oxalis plant when I visited. I've always loved this plant....and I haven't had one in a long time. But lucky for me...Linda sent me home with a cutting from hers.

The spindly, but charming plant in the earthy planter....and the backdrop of the stunning view out her windows stole my heart.  

After fusing it onto some stiff interfacing...I stitched the whole thing on muslin....then filled it in with colored pencil. The purple leaves are stitched in purple first....then filled in with pencil.

I wish I would have taken a photo before I colored.....but I got on a roll....and couldn't stop.  I'm certainly going to play around with this idea more.   

I think I captured the essence of Linda's plant and view in's not bad!
I think it's going to make its way to York.

And speaking of plants in's the basket I bought at the Maker's Market yesterday.  I think it works well with my vase of curly wrapped willow sticks....I just love these colorful striped patterns.  
It's a rainy day here in I had to have a light on....artificial light never makes for a good photo. But you get the idea.

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