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Saturday, December 24, 2022

Blue Christmas Present

I hope you find some JOY this Holiday Season...
...Even if you're feeling a little blue....

Paul and I were reminiscing about how for most of our marriage Christmas was a working holiday. He was a minister....and many of the years he had as many as three Christmas Eve services.  He calculated that including all the special services....and the multiple Christmas Eve services he probably has done at least 100 services around Christmas....maybe more.

Every year one of the special services was a Blue Christmas for those who were mourning the loss of loved ones or struggling in some way or another.  It was a quiet and contemplative service giving people time and space who were experiencing something other than joy. It often a very meaningful service for Paul....maybe because the people who were there really needed it.

I received another special delivery a few days ago....all the way from England. And unlike the Blue Christmas special delivery was a Blue Christmas Present...and it was filled with Joy. And also little pops of orange and red. This is the image on the last of the puzzle club puzzles from Phillipa....and I couldn't love it more!  As a matter of fact....a few little pieces from me are in the mix.

I actually wrote about this photo back in November....after Philippa posted the blue arrangement on her Patreon Page.  What I didn't realize at the time was it was the image she chose for this last puzzle club puzzle. 

I've told this story several times....but here I go again.  I gave Philippa these felted acorns when I visited her in England....and here they are on her very special table. The very table in the blue arrangement.  These unusual acorn caps came from Janice....who got them in Florida....and I've always loved them.

Phillipa has been one of my most influential teachers and creativity mentors....

and I'm so appreciative of this fabulous Blue Christmas Puzzle Present.....I've already started sorting the pieces. I've circled my little acorns that made it into the arrangement. Merry Blue Christmas everyone!

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