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Friday, January 6, 2023

Back and White...

....and touches of color.

 "If you choose to not find joy in the snow, you will have less joy in your life but still the same amount of snow."  author unknown.

I work this quote in every makes me chuckle.

It lightly snowed most of the's so nice having everything covered in white.


I don't mind the black, white, and gray world of winter....
it's easier to notice shapes, textures, and silhouettes.  

But I really appreciate when there are touches of color.

Speaking of touches of color....with the help of an brother Doug has been adding touches of color to some of the old black and white photos.  This is my sister LaVonn and me at my grandmother's house....I was almost 2 and she was almost 3.

I don't remember what color our coats actually were....but I do remember those furry hats and muffs!  Whatever happened to the concept of a muff!  I think I want one! 

This is the original black and white.

The backyard was lovely in the late afternoon light....
black and white and a hint of blue.

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