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Thursday, January 5, 2023

"Behind The Busy"

"See the beauty behind the busy." Rachel Marie Martin

It was a fairly productive day....and there's a great deal of satisfaction in getting tasks and chores done.  But one line in a quote I saw on Facebook today really struck me....."see the beauty behind the busy."

Yes, today was a busy day.....but the beauty was in between the busy: a Zoom chat with a good friend....little moments here and there at the puzzle table....and happy hour and conversation with Paul. 

This puzzle is a challenge.  There are lots of interesting individual objects....but they're almost all blue. So it's all about searching for beautiful shades and textures....and I love doing it's all good.

It was fun seeing the image of my little felted orange acorns in the corner of the puzzle. I wrote about them here:
I don't have any orange ones in the house at the moment...but I do have I'll added them to my puzzle table while I'm working on this one.

And January is my month for my snow people...and the little collection on my puzzle table are all bald....and they make me smile.

I hope there was beauty behind your busy today.

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