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Sunday, January 15, 2023

Joyful Collecting

This is a 10 minute progression of the western sky....from 4:25 to 4:35.  
I couldn't stop looking.

Paul sent me a link to a Boston Globe article by Ashley Lefrak that moved me to tears. The article is titled: "The 'main basic' thing my son's collections have taught me. His vast array of found objects reminds me and our family to see the beauty in the commonplace."

I encourage you to read the article if you's a touching account of a mother whose son has taught her to be "open-eyed and to give freely.  His collecting is an impulse toward love, toward affection for the world, toward noticing what's remarkable all around."

And she's also learned....that a room can only hold so many things." 

In many ways....I am that 8 year boy.

Here is an excerpt from the article:

Ashley's article has helped me understand why cleaning and organizing my studio is such a slow....and emotional task journey. I have been collecting resources and supplies my whole adult life....and all of it is remarkable with so much potential. I enjoy playing with....and sorting my things.

When a friend recently visited my 1/2 tidied studio she was visibly overwhelmed. Yes.....I may have an uncomfortably large quantity of paper in an already crowded studio for a 63 year old woman. And like Ashley learned..... "a room can only hold so many things." But for now....I don't know how to do it any other way.

Here's just some of my collection of found objects from our walks. 

These photos are 4 years may be time to 
play with my found objects again!  Oh boy!


  1. "main basic" is a part of me now...(and yes, I was able to read the whole article.) I have lots of stuff, but not the sorts of things you and he find...but I am a word person, and I'm collecting his. :) Oh, and the sunset photos are gorgeous. Thank you.

    1. Thank you so much for this wonderful response Maryl! Don't you just love the idea of "main basic!" I love that you are also a collector....and I love the idea of collecting words. Thanks for following along....and especially for reaching out! Enjoy your day!
