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Monday, January 16, 2023

The Joy Of A Trade

It seems seems fitting that some rocks in the mail a few days of the many things I collect. I love rocks! Lily may have known that.....and I'm guessing she loves the too. 

The rocks came all wrapped up making them seem so special....

....and they came all the way from Alaska!

A week or so ago I mentioned Lily was interested in my rainbow fiber piece....and she wanted it unfinished in all its raw edge glory.  She's a it will be fun to see what she does with it.

In the end we decided to do a trade and she gave me some choices. But I told her to surprise me.....and my colorful package from Alaska came in the mail a few days ago. I couldn't be more excited! outdid yourself!

I'm impressed with anyone who can make something with a zipper...they intimidate me.  And this zippered batik pouch is outstanding!  It's beautiful...and a nice big size that I'll use for toting supplies around or as a travel bag....or I may even use it as a clutch sometimes.

The purple lining is just perfect for me!

And the zipper pull made me smile....I think it might be the same tisted fabric twine I've been making.

And this fabric postcard fantastic!  I love the fiery reminds me of the sunset last night.  Well done Lily....thanks for taking part in the joy of a trade!


  1. Trees and sunset couple of my favorite things along with all the others. There are just so much wonderful lovely things out there we just need to stop and look. Have to confess I have a real hard time trying to twist twine. I blame it on being left handed and have trouble with left and right.

    1. Couldn't agree more! So many beautiful things to see and soak in!
