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Sunday, January 22, 2023


This is a view of the morning light in our backyard yesterday.

My thumb is quite a bit better today....and I was even able to do a little stitching at the sewing machine...but mostly I'm still letting it rest.  So it's a pretty good day to celebrate a milestone.  

Overnight last night I passed 200,000 views on the blog since I started 8 years ago.  That's just mind boggling to me.  

So....just for the fun of are some of my stats.  Remember...typing is something I can easily do with only one good thumb.....and I won't know if you just skip the rest of this post. Thank you for getting this far!

I'm not one to worry too much about....or even pay too much attention to the stats....and I'm not doing anything at all to grow my readership.  I'm just sharing my stories.....and my creative adventures.....every single day.  The growth has happened all on it's own.  And the fact that so many of you have found it....and seem to keep coming back makes me very happy.....and a wee bit proud.  Thank you!  

  • 93 people subscribe by email.  It's a real commitment to get an email every single day in your inbox....and mailchimp is able to tell me that most of them get opened.  But I will take this opportunity to say it's OK if you unsubscribe.  That will always be OK.  I've unsubscribed from many newsletters and blogs I've followed over the years.
  • I average anywhere from 120 to 180 views on the actual blog a day....sometimes less...sometimes more. 
  • I get a fair amount of "clicks" or "links" from Pinterest.  I've never posted any of my work on Pinterest....but anyone can pin something from the blog...and then it circulates out there for a while....sometimes a long long time.  My 96 Collages post from 2019, for example....when I helped Muffy with a still out there and has been looked at over 6,000 times.  And my Rainbows and Swirls post has been viewed 3,500 times.....all because of Pinterest.

These are the posts with the highest numbers of views.

And Blogger can even tell me where people live.....

....and they break it down by country.


So there it is.  If you made it to the end of this post...congratulations!  I appreciate that your here...and willing to follow along with my joyful putterings.  

This was the evening light in the backyard yesterday.  I am truly blessed.


  1. I think your stats are fascinating—thanks for sharing them. You certainly reach readers in some interesting places.

    1. Thanks! I think they're kind of fun too! It's amazing how far the reach can be!

  2. I so enjoy your daily blogposts, I read them every night before bed. They bring me such joy! Thank you for this.

    1. How wonderful! Thanks for letting me know....makes me so happy!

  3. Congratulations!! πŸŽ‰πŸΎπŸŽˆ I'm so happy for you, MaryAnn. We never know how far the ripples reach out and yours certainly have touched many. I'm immensely glad to know I'm one of them.♥️

    1. Thanks Roseanne! So glad you're in my circle of ripples!!!
