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Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Slow Doodling

I moved a little slow all day today.....some days are just like that.  So it was good day for some slow doodling.

I drew another mandala....this time I used some loose elements inspired by Julie Gibbons, the instructor of Mandala Secrets. I like the irregular swirls....and the wavy lines around mesh.

Had it not been for this would have never occured to me to use a square within the circle....but I quite like the jusxtaposition.

It's a game changer to start with these base drawings.....
and the light pencil lines erase so easily at the end.


Mostly I used this sharpie pen....

but switched to another pen with a bigger tip to fill in some of the spaces.  But that second pen took a LONG time to it smeared in a couple places....lesson learned.  

I still may add some color.

The mesh pattern in the mandala reminds me of a security envelope that recently came in the mail.....I'm always looking for new patterns.  Have you looked inside your security envelopes?

The thing that struck me about this is there are intentional flaws....or irregularities in the weave making it so much more interesting.  It looks like a real window screen.

Next time I draw a weave...I'm going to try this irregular pattern!

This pattern was conducive to slow doodling patterns.

And a while back in Fodder School,  Sara Gardner encouraged us to use security envelopes for doodling what she called "micro fodder"....little snippets to use in collage.  


I made this little trading card collage after her lesson....and there's actually a tiny bit of security envelope fodder in it.  


  1. I love this post, MaryAnn, I love how one thing leads to another and then is connected to one more thing. And so it goes, on and on. There's such beautiful serendipity in that. It just can never end right? And you're reminding me of how much I loved Julie Gibbons' class. Your ATC has such lovely colors --> perhaps a small series, framed? (It never ends.) ♥️

    1. Oh my....thank you Roseanne. As you know...I struggled yesterday....but I felt the same thing you did. And I'm not sure I fully appreciated it until I read your comment. The serendipitous journey of the slowed down the slow embracing security envelopes....that led me to the little ATC. Wonderful little nuggets strung together to infuse a little joy into a difficult day. That's how joy goes on and on.

  2. Thank you MaryAnn I’m going to study some envelopes. Been recycling them for scratch paper doodling list now I’m going to open them for another layer of interest. Once again you brought on more joy in everyday things.

    1. Perfect! We all need as many layers of interest in our day as we can....and these security envelopes with their hidden patterns just keep coming!
