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Thursday, January 26, 2023

The Begets....

 .....and the serendipitous journey of finding a little joy.

It was forecasted to rain all day today....a little worrisome after 15 inches of snow.  It did rain overnight....but not today...and it was quite mild with this mix of bright blue sky and thick white clouds.  It was lovely!

Notice how the sycamore seed pods pop against the sky backdrop.

I was a little out of sorts yesterday....for reasons not important to anyone but me.....and I let it consume a good part of my day. Not until this morning when I read a wonderful comment from Roseanne on yesterday's post did I realize what actually happened yesterday.  

Here is our exchange:

Yes....I was in a bit of a funk yesterday....I admit it. But I also got absorbed in simple doodling project that ended up taking me on a little journey of connections.  Like Roseanne pointed thing led to another....and then yet another....ending in me searching for and celebrating that little ATC collage from a year ago. It could have gone on and on.

I see so clearly now that this was actually serendipitous journey.....taking me down a little path of finding a some joy on a day when I really needed it.

And just now as I'm writing THIS post....I'm reminded of a word used by my friend Joan: "begets"......when one thing leads to another.  It wasn't a familiar word but it was a familiar concept. And ever since I heard it from comes to mind every time it happens. It's such a odd....but awesome little word.

When I looked it up in the dictionary....this is what I found:

Begets: to give rise, to bring about, to produce especially as an effect of outgrowth

And I love the synonyms: bring on, create, effect, generate, make, prompt, do, invoke, inspire, produce, yield, foster, and cause.

After talking about security envelopes yesterday....I got a case of the begets.....especially after Lily commented that she will now be looking at them with a new sense of interest. She recognizes that there is joy in these ordinary things.

I was inspired to pulled out my box of  security envelopes today (yes...there's a box) and I found some pieces and parts that had been doodled on...and made a little assemblage. 

Then I what can I make out of this?

So one thing led to another....and I cut it up and made a simple little Valentine card. 

So let one thing lead to matter how silly or small. Embrace the "begets" and you very well might find a little joy in the journey.