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Thursday, February 2, 2023


"The meaning of life is to find your gift. 
The purpose of life is to give it away." 
Pablo Picasso

Today is Groundhog's Day....and my oldest son Nate's 37th there's much to celebrate! But it's also a good day to launch a giveaway project I'm calling:


OK....mostly I just need to let some stuff why not make it fun. I've always said one of my greatest gifts/talents is my stash....and it's been building and growing for years. 

Here's the scoop:


If it fits in a regular envelope and weighs no more than an ounce…I will mail you some bits and pieces from my stash.

All you have to do is tell me something that brings you joy.

Email me your answer along with your name and address.

If you don't have my email you can use the 

"Contact Form" along the side of the blog. 

That’s it.  

At some point in the following weeks you will 

get a pretty lined envelope filled with


Some of you may be wondering why in the world anyone would want my snippets and scraps....and what in the world you would do with them. Paul is a little bewildered....but supportive....and you can be certain he's not going to ask for any.  You don't have to either. 

If you choose to participate....and I hope you do....what you do with the bits and pieces is completely up to you. But I will offer some ideas down below.  My only goal here is to sprinkle some of my colorful snippets of joy around and hopefully make you smile. Roseanne calls this "happy mail."

Frequently asked questions: ( one actually asked any questions....but just in case you have are some potential questions with some answers.)

What does an ounce of joy look like?

Something like this.  But the envelope does have to fit through that skinny little measurement thing at the post I'll have to figure that out as I go along.

What might be included?
A little of this and a little of that.....some of it will be handmade.....and you'll just get what you get. It's all precious to me....but I make no promises about what it will feel like for you. I cannot guarantee it will even make you smile.

What in the world will you do with it?

It doesn't matter.  But you could: start a jar of joy and include found objects and other things that make you smile, put a piece on the fridge to remind you to enjoy the simple things in life, staple or tuck a piece in with a note to someone, make a card, hide something here and there for someone to find. There are no rules or expectations.

Is there a cost?

Is is OK to just toss them when you're done smiling?

Absolutely!  No one will ever know. 

Do you have to be a crafter to get some?
Absolutely not.   

Do you have to report back or let me know what you did with them?

No!  I need nothing in return (but I always like hearing from people.)

Can you participate if you live outside of the United States? long as I can use an international forever stamp.

What if the contact form doesn't work? 
Leave a comment on the blog and we'll figure it out.  You can also privately message through my Instagram Page.

Will I write about the experience here on the blog? 
Probably....unless it's a complete bust.  I won't use any names but I may share your "joys" and your location. 

So there you have it. Let's see how this giveaway goes! 


  1. I tried to send you a message with the sidebar app but it is just 'sending' for a half hour without finishing. Sigh.

    Would love some of your bits - collage is one of my favorite things to play with.

    ;) Linda (lindaschiffer at me dot com)

    1. I used your clues and tried to email you....let me know if you get it. We'll figure it out! Thanks for reaching out. I have no idea why the sidebar wouldn't sent.

  2. Things that bring me joy: Sunrises. Sunsets. Blue skies. Baby giggles. Flannel. Velvet. The smell of fresh bread. A perfectly baked pizza. Conversations with my adult sons. Finding that perfect piece of fabric in my stash. Knitting projects that come to fruition. Really, the list is endless.

    1. What a wonderful list! My list is endless too! Thank you for reaching out. If you would like an "ounce of joy" I will need your name and contact information using the "Contact Form" along the side of the blog? Let me know if you have trouble.
