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Friday, February 3, 2023


It was cold here in Maine today....and tonight it's going to get down to negative 17 degrees fahrenheit with wind chills colder than 30 below. We haven't had a cold snap like this in quite a while.  Thank goodness it's only going to last a few days.

This was the morning light as I took the dried mealworms out for the bluebirds.....I worry about them in this weather. But they know what to do....and I have to trust they will be OK.  

This was a fun day for me!  I've heard from more than a dozen people from all over the country so far....and one from Scotland for my Ounce of Joy Giveaway.  I was out most of the day today....but I'll get things rolling tomorrow and start putting the envelopes together.

I will run this giveaway for a few there is still time to participate.  You can read the details in yesterday's post:

A couple people had technical difficulties with the email contact form on the blog....and I have no idea why. So I've created a separate joyful puttering email account...and I am comfortable putting that here on the blog.  

 You can email me directly at:

I would love to hear from the two people who commented anonymously right on the can use this new email.

I am trying to do a quick reply to every email that comes if you haven't heard from me please be patient....or try again. And I will go back through my email and make sure I didn't miss anyone.  This is a pretty low budget operation....and my only staff person is busy reading by the fire...and he's worse at technical support than I am. 

Here are some of the joys you have shared with me....I'll post a few each day for a little while while.

  • Sunrises and sunsets
  • The love of my husband, friends and animals
  • The joy of living in two beautiful states...Maine and Florida
  • When my 13 year old granddaughter asked for feedback and support on her poetry writing assignment
  • Playing with fabrics....deciding  on a pattern and pulling fabric from my stash
  • Color makes me happy
  • Seeing photos of the natural world and beautiful artwork
  • Reading a good book by the fire
This is a snippet from a project I did with Connie many many years ago. 

We shrunk her original artwork and made little accordion books that fit into matchboxes....and she sold at an art fair at her senior living facility.  You can read about my dear Connie....and see that little project here in this post:

Still having fun collecting and cutting up some of my painting experiments....and I can't help but audition a couple things together.  I did this little doodle on some lined paper with a brush marker and gold pen.  

This was another colorblock watercolor that was much better cut up into pieces.  

Thank you all for adding some joy to my day....and giving me a reason to play with....and give away some of the bits and piece in my studio.

Now it can go into 4 envelopes!

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