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Saturday, February 4, 2023

Noticeable Dent

We inherited window quilts at the condo.....and we've sure needed them these last couple of days.

Since it was well below zero overnight and single digits all today....they've been down for more than 24 hours. The condo feels like a little cocoon. It was a good day to stay tucked inside.

Mostly I've been working on my Ounce of Joy project....but like every other day....I had breakfast at the puzzle table. Hardly a day goes by where I'm not there for at least a few minutes....and it never matters how long a puzzle takes me.

I'm enjoying this winter stamp puzzle that Margie did a while back....
it's colorful and fun.

This delightful JOY card came from Linda....and seems to coordinate well with the puzzle so it's going to live here for a while. Linda is a big puzzle fan too....and she loyally does them from top to bottom or side to side....completely filling in as she goes along.  Or at least that's what she tells me. Her card makes me feel like she's watching over me....she's good at that.

I try her strategy from time to time....and that was my intention on this one.  I wanted to do it row by row....but then decided I'd work on two rows at the same time.  Well....that didn't last long either because clearly I'm working on three. But I do want to mostly fill in this top half before I push it up on the table and join the whole border.  I've made a noticeable dent....and loving every scattered minute of it.

I have gotten rid of several boxes during my sorting......but I was delayed in letting go of the smaller ones that can be used as trays. Sometimes procrastination pays off.

Much to this box lover's delight....they came in handy today.  I spent most of the afternoon choosing and weighing little piles of snippets...and storing them in these little box trays. This is what 20 ounces of sorted JOY look. 

And the funny thing...20 ounces doesn't  even made a noticeable dent in my stash. 

(You can see I have the studio closed up tight too...keeping that cold air out where it belongs.)  

This card from the Curly Design's Instagram page made me chuckle.  This tiniest path I've been clearing in my stash is certainly bringing me quite a bit of joy!  I've loved getting the emails....and learning more about some of you who follow along with my joyful puttering.

Here are some more of your JOYS:
  • Finding joy in the everyday
  • Sunsets on the beach....and the moon rising at the same time
  • Creating with my granddaughters
  • A child's laugh
  • Puzzles and a hot cup of tea
  • A warm cozy blanket
  • The first flower....and the first snowflake
  • Knitting
  • Making cards
  • Hiking....and the birds

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