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Saturday, March 18, 2023

Beautiful Things

I was out and about most of the morning....then had a really good catch up chat with Becky this afternoon. It was long overdue. You know you have a lot of topics to cover...and common ground when before you know it 3 hours had passed.

I also got a couple of wonderful pieces of mail today....this first one came all the way from Scotland!  

Susan sent me this beautiful handmade accordion book....I was so touched!

It folds up into this sweet little book....tied with a cute little braided closure....and fits perfectly in the palm of my hand.
There is such a thoughtful mixture of artwork and words....
all coordinating so beautifully. And her words hit on things close to my heart: Collecting, Creating, and Connecting
Ounces of JOY
and Bringing and Sharing Joy
Thank you Susan! 

I will never grow weary of looking closely at and celebrating beautiful things.

I like it when I catch Paul in my photos..... 

...he's another one of those beautiful things!

The sky was especially lovely this morning.....pretty clouds with little glimpses of blue. 

And although I will welcome buds and leaves on the trees with open arms....I'm still quite fond of the silhouettes of the bare trees against a beautiful sky.

I had a whole different post planned....but it will have to wait until tomorrow....this post is getting too long.  It was going to start with this photo....with the gray background. Any guesses what it is? 

But I had to chuckle...because it reminds me of the beautiful texture in my other piece of mail.  Do you see the similarity?

Roseanne sent me this lovely handmade postcard. She dyed watercolor paper with Raspberry Rose Hibiscus Tea which produced beautiful color...and fabulous texture.  Way more fun than where my texture photo came from.  I'll fill you in tomorrow.


  1. I believe "beautiful things" could also be the title of your blog. Every day you share something beautiful with us, and I thank you for that. The gray photo? Blossoms on cement- but you have too much snow for that. Shredded bits of colored paper on dryer lint?

    1. Thank you Kathy! I do love noticing and sharing beautiful things....and unusual and quirky things too. I'm glad others enjoy it too. Thanks for playing along with the guessing're actually getting close on your second guess. The answer will be in the next post.

  2. Accidental confetti?
