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Sunday, March 19, 2023

Good Things

Yesterday I wrote about beautiful things....and today I'm writing about good things. And lucky for me....most of them are also beautiful.  

It's a good thing when a Christmas cactus bloom is fully open....and 3 more are on the way.

It's a good thing when I get photos of Eliza....this time opening her Easter box.

And it's a REALLY good thing to know Eliza is creating her own project with the eggs.  Can't wait to see what this turns out to be.

How can it not be a good thing when someone sends you a photo of a potato!  Marilyn reached out to me about my ounce of joy project....and I was thrilled to hear from another interested reader.

She followed it up with this photo of a heart potato....I love it!  She certainly has been paying attention to know it was something that would make me smile.  Thank you Marilyn!  I hope to get your ounce in the mail tomorrow!

Family....and knitting are her joys....and I'll add a Rhode Island ★ to my map!

OK....this is another really good thing....but not necessarily a beautiful thing. Remember this photo from yesterday?  A big thank you to Kathy for playing along and commenting with a guess....she was pretty darn close with her guess of dryer lint.  Someone else called it "accidental confetti"  That works!

One of the goals of the "Confidence Kickstart" Class with Izzy Moore was to get to know my sewing machine better....which I did.  Another goal was to learn how to better take care of my machine....which I put off because I got right to Izzy's project.

I only change my needle once in a while....and I only clean what I can visibly see.  I've NEVER looked on the inside...until a few days ago....and I was horrified.  All of this is going to change!
This is the pile of stuff that came out of my machine....and the photo above is a close-up.  And this doesn't include what I vacuumed out.  

The is the first time I took off the metal plate.  Wow!

The poor feed dogs were really clogged up.  The black bobbin case also came out....and I didn't take a photo but that's where the big fuzz blobs came from. Like I's not a beautiful thing....but it's a really good thing I tackled this 20 minute project.  Never again will I wait this long....and if you sew...and haven't cleaned out your machine I highly recommend that you do.

And it's also a good thing that with the cleaning....and a new needle....the machine is running like a dream. Just in time for a project I'm working on for someone very special.  More to come.  Does anybody recognize these squares?

Happy Birthday Brenda!  I hope the card arrived on time! 
This was the my first experiment with this technique.  It's a good thing!


  1. Holy cow! That's all from your machine??? I'm surprised it could function with this much fuzz in it. I sew almost every day, at least for a little bit, and I clean the bobbin case pretty much every time I change out the bobbin. Doesn't take that long, and it's a weird sense of satisfaction when I do :) If I can see/hear the bobbin bouncing around as I sew, I know that it is time to clean it as well. Lastly- those are very JOYful and beautiful fabrics in that quilt!

    1. Glad you take better care of your machine that I do Kathy! I'm feeling guilty....and a bit embarrassed at my neglect.....but I've learned my lesson now...and this will never happen again. I didn't really notice that my machine was struggling....but now that it's sewing so much better I know it probably was. I'm ON IT....from here on out! Thanks Kathy!
