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Monday, March 20, 2023


It wasn't a very creative day today....other chores and tasks took priority....but I did forge a pretty important pathway.  

I've been working on the Quilts of Gee's Bend puzzle that Margie did a while back.  It's all about colors and patterns.....and I'm loving it.  

I started at the top thinking this was the perfect puzzle to work on one row at a time....pushing the rows up the table keeping everything within reach. I like working that way....and the quilts were so distinctive that I knew it would work well on this one.

But you know how I like to make a connection from top to bottom...or side to side....and that usually happens when I'm further along.  But why not just create that pathway now!  So that's what I did.....and I was actually quite tickled with myself.  And in a day filled with things largely out of my was a silly pathway to some much needed joy. 


  1. MaryAnn, Dotty Seiter here. Nothing like forging a pathway—of ANY sort—to much needed joy on a day largely out of one's control. I read you loud and clear!

    1. There's always a path to joy....even on the tough days! Thanks Dotty!
