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Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Good Run

Back in 2020 I started my second 100 day project.  I didn't make it the full 100 days....but I had a good 50 day run making blue quilt squares infused with a little color.  

Each day I made a square...often times influenced by something that caught my eye during the day. It was a fun way to celebrate something beautiful...and participate in the ritual of a creative daily practice.  One square a day it also a great way to make a quilt....if you're not in a hurry.  But you do have to stick with it. 

I wrote about the start of my project here in this post:  My whole 50 day journey can be found under the label "another 100 days" along the side of the blog....if you've got nothing better to do. I had fun revisiting some of the inspirations for the squares.

This square was inspired by Eliza's fabulous outfit.

And this one by these tulips.  

I remember the day I took this photo. It was a picture perfect day...and this was one of those "Strikingly Pleasing" scenes....and it inspired this square.

I'm going to to Wisconsin in mid April.  I'll gather with my sisters and meet with my art group to exchange our finished accordion booklets. But most importantly, I'll be meeting a very special little guy...who, as of this post, hasn't even arrived yet. My Goddaughter Emily is expecting a baby boy....and I'm so excited to be a Grand Godmother!
Before the quilting.

I decided a while ago that I would turn some of these squares into a baby quilt.  I knew Emily would appreciate that this gift was born (pun intended) out of a creative daily practice.  She gets me.

I want this quilt to be the outside quilt....the one they use for picnics in the treehouse and trips to the park.  I want it to be the don't be afraid to get it dirty or spilled on quilt.  

I finished the quilt top a few days ago....and today I finished the quilting.  Machine quilting is not my forte....but I did the best I could.

I just did a series of loops....all sizes and shapes....and unfortunately all stitch lengths.  I'm not all that great at keeping my stitches some places it's more like basting.
I used a variegated blue thread....and when it landed with dark on dark or light on light I couldn't really see where or what I was stitching so it's kind of wonky in some places.  But I'm good with that....and I'm sure the baby won't notice.

This photo is after the has so much more texture.  Now I'll audition fabrics for the binding...and move on to the final step. It's been a good run so far...and I'm a month ahead of schedule!  Yay!


  1. The baby quilt is adorable and will be loved. I've always believed "babies don't care" when it comes to quilts- they just want to be snuggled.
