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Sunday, March 26, 2023

Broken Record

I know I sound like a broken record at times. You've seen photos just like these before....but I can't help myself.  But no two are these are brand new!

Familiar and fascinating things continue to draw me in.  I am compelled to look closely....and I'm never disappointed when I do.

Much of the backyard is still under a layer of ice and snow....but the front yard is clear except for one small strip under the drip line from the roof runoff.  It's where the melting and freezing creates these beautiful little sculptures that I adore.

The delicate and dainty ones are my favorite.

Pieces and parts of them remind me of coral.

Just like the crocus from would have been be so easy to walk by this little patch of icy snow without looking closely....but I'm glad I didn't.  

I just can't help myself.


  1. Today's ice sculpture really does look like coral- but the first thing I saw in the first picture is a dog! He's sitting with his paws out front and has a fluffy tail in the back. Maybe I need some coffee...:) Those purple crocus buds are gorgeous, and I totally agree about buds waiting to bloom. I think it's the promise of something waiting to happen- as opposed to a fully open bloom, and knowing what the next step is-

    1. Now that I look again....I see him too! And I've already had some coffee! Nice to know you love buds too Kathy! Yes....they are the promise of something wonderful.

  2. MaryAnn, your eye-spy eye is a keen observer and a direct line to heartfelt joy!

    1. Thanks Dotty! That makes is sound so poetic......but nature is rather poetic.
