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Monday, March 27, 2023


And just like that....the row of icy snow along the front of my condo is gone. The lesson here is take a close look while you might be gone tomorrow.

I'm excited to report that I have ONE little snowdrop in the back garden....and that makes me happy.

Paul recently sent me this photo of some little green sprouts poking through in the garden....just in case I hadn't noticed.  I had to smile....because I look the garden over every single of course I noticed. But I absolutely love that he's looking too.  I planted quite a few bulbs last fall....can't wait to see how they do.

And I got two for one in this photo of the holes in ice in the backyard....a heart and if you turn it the other way....there's a little rabbit!

I was tickled to get an envelope of goodies from Marilyn from Rhode Island with a little of this and a little of that from her stash.  

Paul chuckled at the irony of me getting my own ounce of joy. One of my goals was to whittle down my stash....and Marilyn is helping me fill it right back up!  But it's fun to get mail!
I'm absolutely in love with this little red and white sack.  I can think of all kinds of I'm going to try making some.  what a great way to package small little snippets....and the design is pretty simple.  Thanks Marilyn!


  1. I saw the bunny right away, although I thought your heart was a chicken!

  2. Ha! I thought it was a chicken too!
