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Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Last Piece

"May your day be full of magic and may you not be too busy to see it." Brad Montague

The sky was bright blue this morning and yesterday's snow was sticking to everything.  So I embraced it and took a walk around the neighborhood early this morning.

It's a little easier to find joy in the snow when it isn't bitter cold and windy.  This morning was calm and a bit mid day the snow already started to melt.

And we have some pretty impressive icicles hanging from our garage.

I ended up being out and about most of the rest of the day....but I am happy to report that this charming wooden puzzle is done!  It was just a delight!

I saved this little bird for the last piece.  Thanks for the loan Anne!


  1. Elaine in North TexasMarch 2, 2023 at 9:16 AM

    Seeing the huge Icicles reminded me of growing up in Pa. In the winter, whenever we had icicles like that it was time to haul out the ice cream maker for some homemade ice cream. We used the icicles/snow/rock salt for freezing the ice cream.

    1. I love that memory! We made homemade ice cream too...but not in the winter with icicles. I do remember sucking on them like popsicles, however!
