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Thursday, March 2, 2023

"See What Emerges!"

 "If you're a little bit stuck and not quite sure what to do. - have a little fling of some paint, make a few marks, and just start stitching.......and see what emerges."  Izzy Moore

Izzy's little Confidence Kickstart project has become a little book.....I think it's kind of fun! 


I made the front and back covers out of a second sheet we made on heavier weight paper with a little less stitching. I joined the covers by fusing a piece of fabric as the binding and added a little stitch line on each cover. Then I did a machine blanket stitch around the outer edges.  Finally.....after some fancy folding and glueing of my long piece I attached the cover to the book with gel medium.

I added a few more hand painted fabric dots....and a little "joy" to the cover....
and a little book was born.

It's got three 2 page spreads with those continuous black stitching lines connecting from page to page. No one but me....and now you....know that those black lines started with "joyful."  I can picture those stitching lines being readable words....or a phrase that carries from page to the next. 

Here's the back cover....and I'm pretty happy with what emerged!
Thanks for the kickstart Izzy!


  1. OMGosh! This little booklet journal came out so beautifully cool. Those colors just sing. The stitching makes it!

    1. Thank you Roseanne! It was a fun project with many applications!
