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Tuesday, March 7, 2023

One Of A Hundred

As a general rule I don't like having my photo taken. But letting my hair go gray.....and having lost some weight in the last few years to become healthier, I'm more and more comfortable in my own skin.  In some ways I feel better physically as a 60 something....than I did as a 40 or 50 something.  Remember I did say SOME ways....I do feel my age in many ways too.

I wrote about a little bit more about my self image journey a year ago in this post:

When Gina Ferrari, an artist I admire, put an all call out for photos so she could do a 100 portraits for her 100 Day Project....I answered her call and sent this photo:

I remember this day well.  I had just gotten back from Colorado where I had purchased this necklace at a consignment shop. I sent the photo to Alyson and Liz to show off the necklace....but I now see that I was also showing off a new me....a more confident and comfortable in my own skin me. I actually asked Paul to take my photo!
Gina posted my portrait today on Instagram today.....and I'm pretty tickled with the result and I think she captured the way I felt that day. She's pretty incredible!

You can see some of Gina's other portraits here on her Instagram page:
I'm proud to be one of a 100!


  1. MaryAnn... what can I say? I feel honoured! And you are a beautiful woman in so many ways, inside and out (from a fellow 60 something!)
