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Thursday, March 23, 2023

Slow Crawl

"There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature - the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after the winter." Rachel Carson

Margie pointed out that today is 3-23-23!  I know several people who are tuned into number patterns....and this one is pretty cool.

Elaine let me know that Texas is in full spring mode.....the air is warm, the trees have leafed out, and flowers are blooming.  

I know it's coming here in Maine....because Janice has some crocus blooming in her yard just a few miles away. 

I actually don't mind the slow crawl to spring.  I enjoy hunting for bits of green....knowing pops of color will follow.  I love the changing seasons....and winter to about as wonderful as summer to fall.  Nature's awakening after the winter is such a wonder and I'm going to enjoy every slow crawling minute of it.  There's no hurry.

I did a little more hand stitching late last night....and finished the binding this afternoon. The baby quilt is done!  And better than perfect! 

I love that this quilt is infused with color inspirations from interesting things that caught my eye. So in some kind of tells a little story of some of my days. But it's not perfect....the squares aren't the same size (actually on purpose)...the color balance is a little off and it's a bit wonky.  But that  pretty much sums me up...and I'm good with that!

I love the back too....I'm so glad I went bold with the binding.

And look at what I did today....I connected the puzzle from side to side.  I needed one piece in the second quilt from the left to actually connect the path....and I literally smiled when I found it. I enjoy these silly moments and the slow crawl through a puzzle....there's never any hurry. 


  1. I love your quilt, it’s so vibrant. Just beautiful!

    1. Thank you so much! Vibrant is what I was going for!

  2. Your baby quilt creation is dazzling! I think it's been 13 years now since I last made a (very satisfying) baby quilt. Is this one essentially a Roman Road (Roman Stripe) pattern? or maybe it's called Rail Fence since each block has more than three strips? In any case, I love all the ways you've made it your own and I love imagining the eyes of its recipient exploring and exploring the details. Perfect choice of bold border, and very effective use of pops of bright bold throughout the sea of blues.

    1. Thanks Dotty! I'll take dazzling! I can see where this is a nod to the Roman Stripe pattern...but it's just random. I started a 100 day project a couple years ago where I sewed together colored scraps left over from my cathedral window quilt....and surrounded them in blue. I described my plan in this post:
