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Friday, March 24, 2023

There's Always Joy

One of the lines I've used over the years on this blog is there's always joy.  No matter how busy.....or overwhelming....or even sad things might feel....if you take the time to pay attention to the little'll always find some joy.

My day wasn't sad....or even was just full.  I had hoped to get in the studio....I've been craving a little paint on my hands. But other more important things were a I ended up having exactly the day I needed to have rather than the one I thought I needed.  And when I paused this evening to figure out what I was going to write about....the list of things to celebrate was clear.

Emily, my goddaughter, had her baby boy today....and both baby and mom are doing well.  That is reason enough to shout for joy!

I had a wonderful Zoom catch up with a friend. We both had a chance to tell our stories....and compare notes on our joys and our struggles. Thanks Roseanne!

All four Christmas cactus blooms are open at the same time....and the pop of color is a delight!

Janice let me know that her crocus is even more beautiful 
today than it was yesterday....and indeed they are! A few years ago 
I planted hundred crocus bulbs....and the squirrels dug up every single one!
So thank you Janice for sharing yours.

And....something very special came in the mail today....all the way from England.  I was able to purchase the original portrait that Gina Ferrari did of me as part of her 100 day project.  If you read this know this portrait represents so much more than just my face.  It represents a journey....and captures a shift in my self image and confidence.  
I will find a place in my studio where this talented artist's version of me 
will remind the real me that there is always joy!


  1. Thank you! For the lovely shout out and for reminding us always to look for the joy in our lives. Gina x

    1. Thank you so much Gina! The pleasure was all mine!
