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Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Bingo To Birch

My day took on a life of its own....with hardly any time at home.  So in the spirit of finding a nugget of joy every single day....I'm celebrating that the word "bingo" came through for me again this morning in the Wordle puzzle.  I've used it as my starting word several times since I wrote the "bingo" post a couple weeks ago...and today it did not disappoint.

From "bingo" to "birch" for the win!


  1. Great job on wordle! Guessing the word in 2 is almost impossible- at least for me. I also play Spelling Bee, Connections and Sudoku. Oh, the things we do to keep our brains busy :)

    1. I've had it happen a few times....and it seems like a miracle!!! I think keeping our brains busy is what helps keep us young! I just need my body to catch up.

  2. MaryAnn, so glad to see your post—you hadn't posted b/f I went to bed last night, and for some reason your new post didn't show at my server when I first hit refresh this morning, and I was concerned. Shortly, however, I saw notification in my email inbox and, BINGO!, all is well and you're out swinging BIRCHes. I'm grateful 🙂

    1. Thanks Dotty! It's kind of heartwarming that some people worry about me when they don't see something here. But all is wellish enough....and I try to show up here every day...even if it's late into the evening...and just one little nugget.
