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Thursday, September 14, 2023

Late Summer Day

We've been in a hot, humid, and rainy stretch for a little while.....but today was absolutely glorious. It was everything you could ask for from a late summer day. 

I went to a local nursery to get potting soil...and it was bursting with fall color. 


And they always have a row of massive sunflowers alongside the parking lot. The large blooms were fabulous against the late summer blue sky.   

I didn't paint on the patio today....but I did doodle.  I'm not sure I'm going to try a zinnia in stitch....but if I do....the best way to practice is continuous line drawing.  

This was my inspiration photo.

And I was enjoying sitting outside so much so I finished up Liz's digital reading calendar.  I need to get it in the mail pretty soon!

I've been slowly working on it....
the first 6 months are sitting on a shelf in my studio.

I also visited Margie today....and she had all my small puzzles finished on her table. These are my six small one from Philippa. 


  1. YES! to this exquisite late summer day! We wrapped it up with a beach walk and beach picnic followed by a firepit fire in our back yard, graced by the punctuation of of first one small vee of geese flying overhead and then another.

    Your continuous line zinnia doodles are delightful!

  2. Your late summer day sounds perfect Dotty! And I love the punctuation or a fire and the flying geese! Joy!
