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Wednesday, September 13, 2023


My day kind of got away from me....but there's always something to celebrate!  

I absolutely love picking up these first leaves....each one is like a painting and a preview of what's to come.    


And I'm grateful for a lovely fall card from Susan....all the way from Scotland. 

Susan has been busy painting and making books and cards....and I always enjoy seeing what she's up to.  

I did finish this bookshelf was a quick and simple delight. 

And here's a preview of the next one....
I'm starting with the purples and blues.


  1. Those "painted" early fall leaves bring a smile. They're triggering a memory of my first year in college when my best friend from h.s. sent me a huge box of brilliant autumn leaves from her campus to mine : )

    1. What a wonderful gift that was! Great memory! Thanks for sharing it Dotty!
