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Sunday, November 19, 2023

Quiet Nod

Subtitle: Enough

"Enough is a decision, not an amount." Allison Faulkner

This was my favorite chunk from the pine needle experiment.....and I was tickled that it was just big enough to make a tag. 

I cut it to size....glued it on the tag...punched a hole....and adding the little fish scales as a quiet nod to the tag before.

I quite like this tiny little art piece....and it shows what's possible when you just fling stuff on the page.  

And in case you didn't notice...I think there's just enough white space.

I've gone simple on the backs of the tags....for the last three choosing just one coordinating piece of something.....because it's enough.

The "something" on the top card is from a beautiful piece of tissue paper that Roseanne gifted me.

The next two are pieces from my recent meadow rue prints. All of these simple backs give a quiet nod to the front.

How could I not share Ann and Kimberly's baking results.....a whole rainbow of colorful cookies with just enough pink!

This is more of a shout for joy....than a quiet nod!  

Thanks for sharing this with me Ann!


  1. Your pine needle experiment tag is SPECTACULAR! It is eye catching and eye pleasing in its own right, AND I love that its magnificence came from a place of not even knowing what you were doing or where you were going when you set out. You couldn't reproduce it if you tried—it just had to come about from your spirit of adventure and experimentation.

    1. ha ha....that's quite an uplifting comment! Thank you Dotty! You're right...I couldn't reproduce this if I HAD to come from that place of adventure and experimentation....with a sprinkle of joy.

  2. Kimmy loved that our cookies appeared in your blog yesterday!
