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Saturday, November 18, 2023

That Joy Thing

Subtitle: Final Round

The final round of Margie's birthday celebration was a gathering with our two sons....Nate and her apartment. 

It's a rare occasion that we are all together in the same place at the same I'm grateful to Margie for having a birthday to help make that happen.  My heart is full....when my family is together. 

I have a few other random things I want to share from the past few days.  They don't have anything in common except that joy thing. And you know me and that joy thing.

We've had some warmish days here in Portland....and Paul and I took advantage of them and had a couple last happy hours on the patio.  I record the last day every year....and November 17th broke the record for an outdoor happy hour. It's a joy thing.

I also took advantage of the warm days and created a little fall arrangement in my urn using what I had on hand.  I'm a little late....and I'll change over to red in early December....but I do love having a welcoming display at my front door. 

It's that joy thing. 

I mentioned a few days ago that every time I see or use pink in a rainbow anything.... I will think of Ann and her granddaughter.  

Ann responded with this photo....telling me that she was ready with pink neon food coloring for Kimberly who was coming to do some baking. It's a joy thing for me to make that connection....and I smile every time.
And I was excited to see a Hackmatack/Tamarack tree on our morning walk yesterday.  It was pretty in the fog.

I've only seen them Patsy's place on the Schoodic Peninsula and along the roadside up that way.  I've never seen one in southern Maine.....and now I know there's one right around the corner.

It's so unusual to see a pine tree lose its needles in the fall....and I'm looking forward to watching it in all the seasons.

It's that joy thing.

My little Pooh "Give Thanks" blocks have been on the kitchen window sill for a few weeks now. And just the other day Paul's little boy persona came out to play again so now we're giving "sankth." It's a playful joy thing.

And speaking of playful....I still haven't found Betty the Bear.  It's an ongoing playful joy thing!


  1. MaryAnn, I was just thinking earlier today that I wanted to tell you again how grateful I am for what you have referred to in your post above as 'that joy thing'—you have sparked an uptick in my own joy thing in living every day. Thank you so much!

    1. Thank you so much Dotty. If I have sparked the "joy thing" in just one person... that is enough. Thank you so much for following along and cheering me on. Your kind and supportive words are always appreciated.

  2. I actually laughed out loud when I saw "sankth"- just so funny!- and I wondered what happened to the bear. It's the little things that bring the biggest JOY.

    1. Yes's the little things! As soon as I rearrange the's not long before they get turned into something new. It's a silly little game we play. And I'm sure Betty is here somewhere...I just haven't found her yet. She's most certainly not in plain sight...but I'll find her someday!
