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Friday, December 8, 2023

Pieces and Parts

Christmas Moment #8 has several pieces and parts.  It's a Christmas moment in my home....a moment in my head....and a moment from the past.

Today was cleaning day.  I did some picking up and vacuuming this morning and actually washed all my kitchen cupboards. My cleaning lady did the rest downstairs and I got busy upstairs. 

Christie tells me that she loves coming to the condo because she enjoys the colors and whimsical touches I have scattered all around. I've shared some of my supplies with she likes to make things too and I love to foster that.

One of the things she has commented on several times is this piece my sister Marilyn made for me years ago. Marilyn and I spent a year exchanging seasonal art challenges....and this was her product from our Christmas challenge.

You can see my version and read about this Christmas Moment from the past here in this post:

I have this same tree fabric....and have used it many times for all kinds of projects. 

I made Marilyn a little felt tree for her December birthday last year using pieces and parts from the fabric.

I had a lightbulb Christmas Moment in my head this morning that I should make Christie a card to go along with her Christmas bonus using this fabric.  So that's what I did while she was downstairs cleaning my kitchen.

I already had a big swatch of the fabric with fusible attached to the back. I did some fussy cutting...layering...and ironing and all of a sudden I had a card! 

Christmas Moment #8 is Marilyn's piece hanging above my entryway table.  I may have to get more moments out of this hallway you're just getting a glimpse right now. I'm really not worried about getting to 25....but this post is already long enough.

If you want the story behind the baseball figure you can read it here:

Then this post popped up guys have been a thing for a while.


  1. Creating while someone is cleaning (part of) my house? Now THAT'S a Christmas moment ;) Seriously, how great is it that you have this kind of relationship with Christie, which goes to your relationship with Marilyn, which reflects the artistic talent in both of you??? I love it! That is truly some awesome fabric as well. Where is Betty these days?

    1. Thanks Kathy....I smiled all the way through that comment.....and I smiled all the way through writing that post.

      I'm not sure where Betty is...but I'm looking. It's a little harder this time of year because she's red....and there's a lot of red in the house right now! I'll keep looking.

  2. I have this fabric, too. Love it and hate to use it all up but it is so pretty.

    1. I totally get that! But it's kind of like the good is short! Use the good stuff!
