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Saturday, February 17, 2024


My goddaughter Emily's birthday is coming up soon and I struggled figuring out what to do for her.  We all have so much stuff.....and most of us don't need another thing. So whatever I had to be fabulous....useful....or just thoughtful.  

Emily and I have a "light" connection....and I've been giving her things that light up for as long as I can remember. I've given her night lights, Christmas lights, flashlights, and light up toys when she was young. I even gave her the same favorite task light I use on my puzzle table and the starburst  light I wrote about this last Christmas.

Yes.....we have a thing for lights. 

When I photograph something I made with gold accents...

I often have to tilt the piece towards the light in order to share the shimmer.
During the last art exchange with my Madison art group....I was working on my card for Becky (Emily's mom) and put a tiny little lighthouse on the horizon...with a tiny little spot of gold for the light. I had to tilt the card so you could see the light. It's tiny...but it's there.

Dotty commented that she thought it was fun that I could make the lighthouse light go on by tilting the card. It made me chuckle.

So in keeping with our theme...I wrote Emily a letter and told her this story of Dotty's comment about turning on the light....

...and I made her an Art Heart with painted papers with gold accents.

And when Emily tilts the card....she can turn on the light!  

It just occurred to me....that I should have made a cake with candles that would turn on!  Maybe next year! 

I added a simple little stand for the back. I glued on a folded piece of paper...and attached a piece of floss to hold the stand in place. 

Emily is not a blog my silly little gift is our secret for a few days. It's in the mail....and she should get it early next week.  Happy Birthday Emily!


  1. Yay! After persisting in my search for a quotation I knew I had SOMEwhere, I located it!!!

    From Reeve Lindbergh's novel, The Names of the Mountains:

    "Having Emma in our family was like making a new window in an old house, bringing light into places where you had never thought to expect it." Swap out Emma in that excerpt, replace it with Emily ❤️

    1. OMG.....I couldn't love this quote more! Thank you Dotty....I will be sure to share this with Emily! She has most certainly brought light into places where I didn't expect it!

  2. I was so excited when I was able to locate the quotation—the gist of it came to mind immediately as I read your post but it took some searching before I located it in my personal quotations archives. I just love the fact that that line of text, in a novel I read about 30 years ago, resonated enough for me to copy it down, never knowing how perfectly it would speak to your relationship with Emily all these years down the road. It's mind-boggling to think of all the little bits and pieces of life and circumstance that came together for me to share those words with you!
