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Sunday, March 3, 2024

Sunday Catch-Up

Through her blog, Dotty Seiter introduced me to the writing strategy of appropriation where you use the framework from an existing piece...and make it your own. 

So for a Sunday catch-up I'm going to "loosely" appropriate Mary Oliver's poem, Mindful, from yesterday's post as a way to celebrate a few things that captured my attention over the past several days.  

Apologies to those of you who are actually writers.

by MaryAnn Shupe

Everyday I see or taste something 
that fills me with delight... 
leaving me humbled
by my joyful abundance.

With help from artists I admire...
I've come to understand that it's important to look....
and then look again....
and celebrate everything.

To appreciate one of Janice's 
home cooked meals 
because they are as much art 
as they are cuisine.

To just roll with the silly delight 
I feel that moment when I choose
to leave just a few puzzle pieces for

 the next morning's coffee...

....and when I smile as I hold the piece 
I've known all along goes in the spot
under the lamp. 
I wanted it to be the last one.

I've learned to take the time to pause and celebrate 
what was hiding in plain sight....

like an unexpected bloom 
in the living room.....

....or the first sign of spring in the patio garden
or a stick that caught my eye in the woods.

Because when I got closer...
it did not disappoint.

You're a lucky one...I said to myself.  
Lucky to have a partner who sends
a moody view of the salt marsh in Scarborough 
because he knew it would move me...

...and who took the time 
to pause and capture 
a magnificent sunrise I missed 
on a cold morning's walk. 

And at the end of the day

that same guy handed me
a simple found object.
Joyful indeed!


  1. Brava, MaryAnn! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ Encore! Encore!

    A fun and engaging exercise, yes?

    Thanks for the nod to my blog : )

    1. Thanks Dotty....for the cheering on....and the inspiration! I will most certainly do this again.

  2. Ah... this turned out wonderfully! You're good at it. 🩡

    1. Thanks Roseanne! Your words of encouragement mean a lot to me.
