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Thursday, April 11, 2024

Tell and Share

I've had this screenshot on my desktop for a while...mostly because it made me chuckle. But then a day like today comes along and it's all too true.

My Thursday did NOT go as was a bit of a Blursday.

So I was pretty tickled when Patty told me that she enjoyed my recent shadow search....and texted me HER favorite shadow photo she took in the south of France back in 2019. Isn't it fabulous!

So....tell your stories and/or share a favorite photo with someone. You never know what memory it will trigger....or the impact it might have on their day.

Thank you Patty for sharing your joy with me on this Blursday!   


  1. Nothing better than a favorite shadow photo from a cherished friend on a Blursday!

    1. Isn't that the truth! And....a thoughtful comment pointing that out from another cherished friend is icing on the cake.
