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Friday, April 12, 2024

Card is in the Mail!

For the first time in weeks I sat at my table in the studio and felt wonderful.  Tomorrow is my dear friend Jane's birthday....and I hadn't taken the time to make a card yet.

But lo and behold Jane just sent me a link to an artist she wanted me to check Louise Browning was my inspiration for Jane's card.  Check her out!  And I love her Instagram handle: artsolute beginner!

Not bad for a first try....but I'll be playing around with versions of this technique again.  

Thank you to Jane and Louise for getting me back to my painting table!

I know I can improve on the overall technique for design and doodles....

but I don't think I could improve on an envelope liner....this one is just perfect!  

Happy Birthday Jane!  

Your card is in the mail!


  1. Oh my gosh, MaryAnn, that art and envelope liner matchup! Exquisite! Thanks for the intro to Louise Browning—love how you took inspo from her and created a magnificent card to celebrate Jane's April birthday.

    1. Thanks Dotty! I didn't have a lot of time...but I think it turned out OK. And it's nice to know that it will be personal to Jane....because she was drawn to Louise's work. It just felt good to create something!
