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Saturday, April 13, 2024

Week One Homework

After a couple days of rain we got back out for a morning walk this morning....and I was anxious to check out the scilla on Abby Lane.

The lawn is filling in...and was just beautiful in the morning light covered in raindrops.

I submitted most of my week one homework for the Conscious Creativity course, but it doesn't mean I'm done looking and seeing.  That's an ongoing thing for me...for the rest of my life!  

I spent quite a bit of time this week getting acquainted with the "unfold" app that Philippa introduced us to.  With it I can make better looking posts and reels for Instagram...and I can use the images here on the blog as well. 

I submitted my homework as a "reel" which is a short video.  You can view it here:

My Instagram home page:

The app has a limited free version (which I used) where you can choose a few different layouts, add captions and a few other things to enhance the photo experience.  Here are just a few pages from my reel that I wanted to explain a little. If you want to see all the images...use the link above.  

The cover photo above is looking up at a fire escape during my Portland field trip.  It was an interesting abstract angle.

I already shared my opposite images a few days ago with the padlocks and the fabric...and I didn't get a chance to find similar images on my field trip.

But I had taken these photos looking down into a few of the bottles and vases in my dining room window as I was doing some looking and seeing around the house.  

I was photographing just the outside of the vases and bottles at first....but then decided to see if I could photograph the inside.  Turns out I could!  And although they didn't look so similar on the outside...they certainly looked similar on the inside.  

Another thing we were looking for was "mess"....and there was a box of pressed leaves on hand that I had used on the gelli plate.  

They were covered in acrylic paint....and quite beautiful.  I may spend a bit more time photographing them in some sort of an arrangement.   


And the final image in the reel is an arrangement I did on my table with the objects I put in the bowl at the beginning of the week. It included all the objects that Paul and I found on our walks this winter...and a few others.  They're not beautiful things....but they all have a secret story and there's a little magic in not knowing what that is. I tried to arrange them in a way that told a new story.

I did a second arrangement getting rid of a some of the extras....and these ARE the found objects from the winter. 

(Again...all the homework images can be seen on my Instagram page with the link above.)


  1. MaryAnn, thank you for all the juicy details here. I'd already seen your sweet reel on IG and loved it, and then tonight's blog post—bonus!—was like getting to go back stage and get considerable further-enriching behind-the-scenes intel. So enjoyable, and I'm soaking up all the joy and wonder your journey invites me to turn my own attention to.

    1. So appreciate your enthusiasm Dotty. It's so interesting how simple exercises in intentional looking and seeing....can be translated into a digital experience. The tech process is a bit out of my comfort zone...but very satisfying to actually figure something out.

      Those of us who use blogs and social media to share our art and joy are always looking for creative ways to put it out there.

      Thanks for finding joy with me in the journey!
