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Saturday, January 30, 2016

I Am An Artist!

That's what I need to keep saying to myself.

I took a quick peak at the "Folt Bolt" site this afternoon....scrolled down...and there was a lovely collage in blues and greens of some the January show and tell images. And low and behold...down there in the left corner was my silly little vase of flowers collage. Coming up in February....there will be a new color scheme and theme.

Just over a year ago....November 2014...Dr. Adams, my chiropractor expressed interested in my shared art and journaling.  So I loaded up my big LL Bean canvas tote and had a little show and tell of my own in her office. We had a great conversation...and she was inspired to start some sort of shared project with her daughter and a friend.

Well...I went back a few days ago for an appointment...14 months later.  Dr. Adams was happy to share with me that for the past year she and her daughter and friend have been doing just back and forth journals. And now she is starting a new one with someone else. I was more than thrilled! And, I was happy to share with her that for the past year I have been blogging...sharing my creative projects and adventures...and loving it.  Although I had thought about a blog...and was encouraged by my friend Becky.... I believe that interaction with Dr. Adams gave me the confidence to actually start.'s where the "I am an artist" mantra comes in.  Dr. Adams uses her waiting room as a little art gallery and she invites local artists to display their work for a month. She asked me if I would have a display in March.  Yikes!  What could I possibly show?  I have a million things in my head...but really?  It's not the right time!  She wouldn't take no for an answer...saying she wanted to "push" me. We agreed on I guess it's time to get a few of those things out of my head and onto her walls. Yowser!

I AM AN ARTIST!  Really?


  1. Way to go Brave Woman!! I'm so excited for you. Whatever you choose to show will be good. Really. Ellen

    1. Thanks Ellen...kind of crazy. But I'm not going to overthink....just make a few of things that have been in my head all these years. I'm going to have fun with it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yay for you! Ride the wave; Enjoy the ride.
