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Thursday, March 3, 2016

Experiment...Part 2's where I ended with my Portland horizon collage experiment....or at least where I'm stopping for now. 

There are things about this I like...and things I would do differently.  I actually am anxious to try another one...I think there is potential for some fun and funky stuff! I do like the collage as an extension of the photo. Next time I will use more scraps from handmade papers....I like those elements the best.  I see collaged farm fields in my future!
Did you recognize the frame? In the collage world it's called a "support." I used the paint panel I had made up for the wool beach umbrella piece.  I think it needs something different...don't know what yet...but I'll figure it out.
I always intend to take more pictures of my process...but I get so wrapped up in the project that I forget.  

The last post shows a few beginning steps and I did take this picture when it was a little further along. Once I cropped the photo a bit...I adhered it to the panel with matte medium...including a top coat to knock down the gloss of the photo.  I made the bottom piece as a separate unit, trimmed it up and then adhered that. The swirls on the left are from a calendar...and they got a little wonky after I attached I had to do some "cover up" with my embellishments. I definitely want to try this again and work on my technique!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Anne. It has some issues...I'm excited to tackle another one at some point soon.

  2. Wow you are really venturing out. I like this original stuff!

    1. Thanks Becky! That means a lot. I have really been mindful of doing things that are somewhat original.....and I like where this is going.
