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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Tickled Pink

I was tickled pink (does anyone say that anymore?) when Dr. Adams told me that the piece on the left called "Over the Rainbow" was purchased by a mom....talked into it by her 10ish year old son for his room.  When I made it I thought it would be great for a kids room....and knowing that's where it's going makes me smile.

The top piece in the middle called "Summer Day" is sold...and I got an order for another one...which I finished this morning. Luckily I had sewn a wide strip of the rainbow spectrum so it was fairly doable to remake it. I appropriately called it "Another Summer Day."

This close up looks a little wrinkly...but it's really OK in the frame. If I do more of these matted quilt pieces...I should do a little research on the best technique.  I am just making it up as I go along. The matte window is just 5 it's a sweet little quilt. I do love the little cloud loopy stitching. I got the idea from a quilter on Pinterest.

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