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Friday, April 29, 2016

Celebration Stole

Way back in January I started a red/rainbow celebration stole for Paul. (he's a minister) You can read about it here and here. I promised him I would have it done before the next ordination he had to attend...which is this Sunday. So I was down to the wire and had to get it done.

I had to figure out how to deal with the curve of the neck and the red borders I wanted to use. I started by extending the pieces I already had to make the curved collar.

Then I added a red border to each side piece...around the neckline I used bias strips to help make the curve. Next I mounted it on stabilizer and stitched it to red fabric backing. I did three rows of topstitching on the border and I hope no one looks too closely because it was too late for me to be sewing straight lines.

Tah Dah!  It's....ALMOST...done.  I have just a tiny bit of hand stitching....but there's no way I could thread a needle at this point.  A few minutes in the morning and it WILL be done....just in time.

It was inspired by this stole I found on Pinterest.


If you remember I had a chunk of the rainbow spectrum left after I cut my two pieces for the stole back in February.  Some of it ended up in "That Piece" that I put in my show. I should have called it "That Extra Stole Piece!"


  1. Yay, Yay, Yay! So glad to see you were able to finish in time, and it looks beautiful!

    1. I knew you would appreciate it.....I'm just goad it's done. Check that off the list.

    2. that should be "glad" not "goad"........
