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Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Is the sky bluer when you're almost a mile high?
It seemed to be very blue today in Greeley, Colorado at 4,658 ft.

Since I'm making this art piece for Langston (also known as North) out of his grandmother's junk mail.....I wanted to to include a peace sign....the symbol of a cause close to Margie's heart.

I drew a rough peace sign shape on of some card stock and covered it in black and white pieces of reply card inserts from Margie's magazines.  I knew I didn't want to center it on the I cut off an edge. Why cover a part you don't need.

Once I had it covered I top coated it with the matte medium.  All the ragged edges would be cut off once it was dry.

After the peace sign was finished a theme became clear. Phew! I will make circle elements in various colors and sizes using as many techniques as I can come up with using just the junk mail, scissors and glue. I think has the potential to be pretty cool for a 17 year old...very creative young man and fun for me.

This is clearly inspired by a challenge I did with my sister Marilyn many years ago that I wrote about here. In that case we ONLY used reply cards.

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