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Wednesday, March 17, 2021


It's always fun to see what Janice has on her counter when I stop in. It's usually colorful....and often very interesting.

This colorful mix of tomatoes and citrus fruits was like JOY in a bowl.  And then there was this interesting mystery brew.

I've posted about Janice's calendula a couple was fun seeing it drying on the counter last summer. This photo is from a post back in July....

....and more can be seen here:

The brew on her counter today is dried calendula in olive oil....and a next step to her making this fabulous salve for dry skin...and I came home with a tin. Lucky me! Thanks Janice!

Then I laughed out loud this afternoon when Anne sent me this photo she took on her walk.  

She had pause at first trying to figure out the word that began with Y.....but then she saw the JOY.  We agreed that sometimes it does take a minute to see the joy. A good reminder! 

Everything about this is fantastic including the amazing reflection.   

Then she sent another view with another interesting reflection. There are so many life lessons here so I'm going to get a little corny and list a few more.

Pay never know when you'll be surprised by JOY.
Sometimes JOY can only seen from the inside....and looks a little odd on the outside.
Look.....and if something catches your eye....keep looking.
Then take a few steps....and look again and you might see something totally new.
Sharing your YOJ can bring JOY to someone's day.  
Thanks Anne!

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