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Saturday, January 6, 2018

Simple Little Boxes

I wanted to contribute something to the Shupe family Christmas celebration in included Paul's mom and his two sisters and their families. It didn't have to be much...just a little something to let them know I was thinking about them.

What I came up with was a little bit of Dave, Paul's dad, who passed away several years ago...and a little bit of Margie, Paul's mom.

Years ago Dave taught me how to make little origami boxes...I wrote about that story here.  And more recently Margie has been enjoying coloring and I have several of her pages that I have been making into cards.... you can read about that here....and here.  So I combined the two and made simple little origami boxes using Dave's pattern and Margie's coloring pages.  I filled the boxes with chocolates and Paul added a silly quote.

I included an extra set for Margie where I nested several together....unfortunately I forgot to take a picture.  I tucked a little star in the last tiny one. 

So much you can do with just a simple little box.

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