...is underway.
I finally started cutting glass for Jane's window project. I haven't worked with glass in a while so I'm a little rusty...but I'm getting into my groove.

I use an oil fed glass cutter. You don't actually cut the glass...you score it and then snap it. The blue tool helps snap off a straight piece....and the small tool with the ball is used to tap the scored lines of curved pieces.
I cut the glass on this gridded surface. The small shards of glass go into the grooves so they are out of the way. It comes with removable a ruler so you can get nice straight lines.
I use a sharpie to draw my pattern on the glass...it wipes off easily.
And, of course, I use eye protection.
The first thing I did was cut all the leaves...I wanted them all to be somewhat the same....and I could tweak the pattern as I placed them. I will cut the center line in the leaves later...those lines needs to flow with the line of the stem. I use a grinder to smooth the edges. There is water under the surface that keeps a little sponge wet...which keeps the grinding wheel wet. It's messy...but necessary....and really helpful. It's hard to make a perfect cut and the grinder solves the problem.

You can see below that I'm making progress. The bottom two leaves have been cut down the center. I working on a big white board...this helps me keep a nice 90 degree corner. I'll try and do a little bit every day...I've been sick....so I have to pace myself.
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