"I do believe in an everyday sort of magic...the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone." Charles de Lint

An Artistic Disclaimer

Many many years ago I was excited to take an adult education course on collaging. I had been playing around with collage for a while and collecting all kinds of supplies and ephemera so this course seemed perfect. Oddly enough, throughout the course, the instructor made me feel that I was not a true artist...and that what I was creating was not art.  At first I was a bit offended and disappointed in myself, but I actually liked what I was creating...and found my classmates to be delightful, so I happily forged ahead.   

To the instructor’s credit, I did learn new techniques and was introduced to new media and materials...and I am grateful for that.  But the most important thing I already knew...I must make and do things that bring me joy, and I don’t much care what you call me while I’m doing it.

What you will find in this blog is a little art, a little more craft, and a whole lot of joy.  I take great delight when something I have created actually looks beautiful, but I can also chuckle when something looks goofy and overworked.  Whatever the result...I hope there was joy.


  1. Don't let somebody rain on your parade. You are an artist. She is entitled to her opinion but it is not necessarily truth. It is just an opinion, not a fact.

  2. What is the picture that looks like rolled magazine pages or ????? I love it.

    1. If you are talking about the header at the top of the blog it is rolled paper. I call them paper tubes and they are made from recycled art magazines. I have blogged about them many times and you can read those posts and see my process if you click on the "paper tubes" label on the side of the blog. Thank you for your interest.

  3. Mary Ann,
    Your paper tubes are true art. I am sure you don't let yourself be defined by the opinion of others but I know from personal experience that comments can make for a period of self examination. I find it illuminates my experience and creates an even greater need inside me to create art...however that is defined. I love what you do and it brings me joy. Thank you. Juliette

    1. Thank you so much for this kind note Juliette. I have learned that it's all about joy....art can be whatever it needs to be.
