"I do believe in an everyday sort of magic...the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone." Charles de Lint

Monday, September 23, 2024

Apply the Skills

As I go along with this Fabulous Free Motion class....I'm always thinking how I can apply the skills to my own projects.

Roseanne gifted me this birch tree fabric a while back....and I knew I would use it at some point. Using the reverse applique techniques I practiced in the class...I layered up three fabrics...and started stitching. 

Here it is in progress. I had to spread the cutting out over a few days as it's hard on my hands.

I layered a textured green batik and a dark blue under the birch fabric all on a stabilizer....

then outlined the trees in a double layer of stitching.
When I held it up...I realized there was no clear place to start and stop the reveal of the two different fabrics underneath. So I added more branches that connected the trees giving me clear spaces to cut away.

Then I started snipping out the gray fabric to reveal either the blue or the green.

I finished cutting out the gray this afternoon....I will clean it up just a bit more once I rest my hands. The loose threads do add a bit of texture. Nature is not neat and tidy.

And...I'm trying to decide whether to add a little fall color stitching here and there to simulate leaves...and add another texture. Maybe some hand stitching like french knots.  

Thanks for the fabric Roseanne! This was a fun way to apply the skills from the class. 


  1. MaryAnn! You are my hero is an experimental artist. You get in there and LEARN by DOING. I'm grateful for your role modeling : )

    1. Well that makes me feel good! Thank you for your kind words. I do like jumping in and experimenting....and I enjoy sharing that journey here. Thank you for following along...and chiming in here. That means a lot!

  2. This is just beautiful! ♥️

    1. Thanks Roseanne! Your thumbs up means a lot! And thanks for the fabric inspiration!

  3. This is just terrific. I really liked it before I realized you were going to cut away some fabric- and then BAM- it's gorgeous! Great job, MaryAnn!

    1. Bam! Love that! Thanks Kathy! But I see what you mean with just the stitching. You know what I always say....stitching changes everything!

  4. So very inspiring, thank you for the photos and descriptions
