I am completely fascinated by the work of
Laurie Frick. She's a data artist who explores "self tracking." She takes extensive data on everything from sleep patterns to the walking or travel you do in a day to how you spend your time, and translates it into art. It seems a bit complicated and I don't fully understand how she does it...but there is something about these graphic collages with the mix of papers and colors that intrigues me.
Since I discovered her on Pinterest....she inspired me to do these couple of pages in my Pinterst Journal. Rather than "self tracking" I called mine "junk mail tracking."

This collage was made from junk mail and catalogs that came on
one particular day. I wished I would have mixed up the words a bit more so the letters weren't in the right order...but it was my first attempt.

Except for the bird, this second attempt was made entirely from an Ethan Allen Flyer. I did mix up some of the words on this page...and it makes it much more interesting. There were so many great shapes and patterns in the flyer...and the color scheme was very pleasing...mostly yellow, gray, black, gold and silver....and the fun little pop of pink.

The frame for this page was made from....you probably recognize it...a Bed Bath and Beyond coupon. I shaded in the background with pan pastels. For the journal...I did some writing and reflection in the middle.
A new Ethan Allen flyer just came the other day and the spring colors are beautiful and there are lots if interesting lines and patterns. I'm going to try another collage.
I have to mention that I got a new computer a few days ago...and there are a lot of new features to learn on the "pages" program. I took these photos of the flyer and did this this layout very quickly...love the new gradient background. I've got a lot to learn but I know I'm going to have fun with it. I love digital art!
While I was on Laurie's website I discovered she has a free app called "FRICKbits"...so I just downloaded it onto my phone. It will track my travels and turn it into an art piece. Below is a screenshot from her website and it can be found
here. Let's see what happens!

It's ironic that the first day I had the tracking app....I didn't leave the house....so no data yet. It may take a little while for me to go enough places to create something. I am kind of a homebody.
So stay tuned for my own "data tracking" art and my "junk mail tracking" art courtesy of Ethan Allen.