Subtitle: Pink Things
I fully expected there would be snow in March.
But the truth is that snow isn't quite as magical on March 25th as it is on December 25th.
"I do believe in an everyday sort of magic...the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone." Charles de Lint
Subtitle: Pink Things
I fully expected there would be snow in March.
But the truth is that snow isn't quite as magical on March 25th as it is on December 25th.Junk journals are kind of a thing these days in the art journal world. They're handmade books created from recycled and found materials and used for journaling and creative expression. They can be any size and assembled however you's just a matter of curating a collection of papers...and stitching them together.
I shared this photo in a post back in February....and this is just one layer of a whole big pile of ephemera Becky sent me to make her some junk journals. And I'm also modifying an art journal like the one I've been working in....ripping down pages and stitching in her stuff. She doesn't that part has always held her back.
Becky's pile included some of her own art and coloring....vintage and precious papers and memorabilia. There's stationary from her childhood....gelli prints...and even a few things that were originally from my stash that now have found their way back to my studio.It's a mix of things...and there are lots of places for her to embellish....add more art....doodle....or write memories and quotes.
Although I still have faith that ultimately the arc of the moral universe will bend towards justice.....on a day to day basis there are only tiny bits of hope in the news.
In many of my Words of Encouragement kits I sent along tiny hope tags.
Once I attach a phrase to a tag...I cut it to fit and am using up the short cut-offs for just one word: hope, love, joy or peace.They live on the laps of these little replicas of Dotty's mom and dad sitting on an adorable little bench.
And just look at that adorable itty bitty bird!
If I'm going to over think might as well be joy.
Paul and I don't go out at night much...but last evening we attended a delightful concert at his church in Scarborough featuring a local folk/bluegrass band called Darlin' Corey.
And we were early enough to take in the sunset at Pine Point Beach before the concert.
And today joy looked like the bright and beautiful new space for Maine Needs. It's huge....and it's impressive.
This whole middle section is for clothes and all of the shelving and racks were donated from L.L. Bean from their recent remodel.And I mean that literally!
It sometimes literally IS the little things that capture your heart!
"I can almost feel it, beneath my parka. Not quite, but almost: burgeoning, blossoming, a murmur of springtime." Jason Fargo, One Painting Got Me Through Winter
Happy Spring Solstice!
At the top of my blog there are three words: Collecting, Creating, and Connecting. All of these things deeply feed my soul....and these days I seem to need to embrace them more than ever.
I still have the dried blooms that I collected from my amaryllis on my dining room table reminding me that there is beauty in imperfection. And I am hip deep in creating several projects for Becky out of the ephemera she sent me reminding me how I love to be generous sharing my skills and my craft. And I have re-connected with people that I love....and have had delightful email conversations connecting with readers of this blog and supporters of my tag project.
THESE are the things that keep me grounded during these chaotic and scarry times.
Lynn K from Maryland (I know a Lynn K from Wisconsin too!) gifted me an article from the New York Times called One Painting Got Me Through Winter by Jason Fargo. It's a beautifully written article about the impact that one painting had on the author. And as a bonus it was very beautifully presented in such a unique way. If you read sure to read to the end scrolling past the advertisements.
I'm not sure if the gifted link will work...but I'm going to try: was a full day...filled with so many joy things....I just have to share.
I spotted some snowdrops in the garden this morning. Spring is coming and that's a breath of fresh air joy thing!The fox head...actually ended up connecting to several pieces that formed a body that mimicked the whole shape of the fox puzzle. I don't remember that from the last time.
I hope you can see it....because it's a fun joy thing.
...and my pleasure in seeing a stained glass piece I made in her bathroom is a proud joy thing.
I wrote about making it back in 2015 in this post: bought sheets, a blanket, kitchen towels, a set of plates, and several bottles of shampoo. And I couldn't help myself...I also bought a package of underwear. I didn't make much of an effort to add things up in my head...I just kept putting things in my cart knowing that Paul and I would cover the difference.
Look at the total: a how did I get it so close again joy thing!
The morning sky was so soft and pretty.
Subtitle: It takes as Long as it Takes!
I started re-making this lampshade in February of 2023. That's more than two full years ago.
The lamp that it goes with was a hand-me-down from Linda W. as she was downsizing...and I enjoyed it in my guest room in Lexington for many years. But the fabric was starting to break down and fraying at the edges.Once the lining fabric was finished it was time to start stitching on the polk dot panels. Again...I took it slow. Just a panel here and there. Then in November of 2023 I took it with me on a girls weekend hoping to finish stitching on the colorful panels.
But on the very first evening I injured my thumb.....and all the stitching came to a screeching halt. I wrote about that trip here:
In the months following that trip I did finally finished the polka dot panels...but held off glueing on the trim. the a hand-me-down from Connie. Was is the right choice? Did I have the right glue? How would it look around that scallop bottom? I wasn't I just set it aside.