"I do believe in an everyday sort of magic...the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone." Charles de Lint

Friday, March 28, 2025

Figuring It Out

There's really not a difficult thing unless you decide it's a difficult thing. Otherwise it's just the next thing you're figuring out. Flying Edna

Using an idea I've seen here and there I forged into this accordion project for a birthday card without searching for basic directions. Next time I'll do things a little differently because I like the concept. It's just another thing to figure out.

I cut out a butterfly from a book I found at a thrift store...and used some of my greeting card strips for the cover.
I cut out another butterfly and traced it on two different kinds of paper and glued them onto an accordion folded piece of heavy paper. The last butterfly is a colorful landscape scene. 

My accordion folds are WAY too big. Smaller and shorter folds would have allowed for more folds...and more butterflies making it much more impactful. 

It's impossible to cut around the antenna....so I came up with an idea of how to add them back in after. I dissolved a few small scraps of water soluble fabric to create a slurry and soaked some black thread. 

It was stiff when it dried so worked well for the antenna. 


(I don't like that I can see the fold above the butterflies...smaller folds next time!)


  1. I so enjoy following along as you figure out next things. Thank you for inviting us in for the butterfly's view of such projects. What a fun birthday card concept, MaryAnn, and look at those antennae!!! Brava!

    1. Thanks Dotty! I'm anxious to try this concept again! And YES....I was tickled with the way the antennae worked out! Thanks for celebrating with me!

  2. So clever, MaryAnn! And I have loved your posts about Becky's art journal! Your creativity is a breath of fresh air these days!!

    1. Thank you so much Judy! And for the thumbs up on Becky's art journal...there is SO much more inside. We all need some fresh air!
